Handy Provides Tips on Breaking Any Habit


We all have some good and bad habits. Bad habits can stop us from achieving our goals and also jeopardize our health both physically and mentally. So, it is necessary to get rid of our bad habits as soon as possible but it is hard to break your habits. Handy has come up with some innovative tips that will help you to break any habit.

Tips & Tricks

Here are some essential tips that you must take into consideration for breaking any habits:

1. Develop a substitute plan: Instead of breaking any habit, you should try to replace it with another one. For example, it is certainly a bad habit if you smoke when you get stressed. So, instead of just trying to stop smoking, you should come up with a different strategy to deal with the stress. When you insert a new behavior instead of having a cigarette you will be able to stick to it for a long time.

2. Fine yourself for each offense: You must make your bad habit a little expensive and painful. Use the ‘swear jar’ method where you will need to put some money, say $1, every time you commit the offense as a punishment. This strategy of charging a fine from yourself for each offense will help you to stop continuing this habit which is bad for you.

3. Understand what triggers your bad habits: Before breaking any bad habit, it is very essential to know the root cause of it. If you do not know what is behind your habit you can never overcome, it and often you will repeat those bad habits even without realizing what you are doing. When you know what triggers the bad habits you can easily deal with the root cause and get rid of your bad habits.

4. Change the environment: Changing the environment can also help you in a great way to break the habit. Actually, when you repeat the same behavior in the same place over time your surroundings become the biggest trigger for your habit. Under such circumstances, changing the environment can help you to overcome the habit.

5. Be persistent and have patience: The habit that you have developed over time does not go away in a day or two. Forming a new good habit can take a huge time and effort but breaking an established bad habit can be even harder. So instead of hoping for a dramatic adjustment, it is important to be patient with yourself and try to concentrate on small steps that you can take at a time.


It is very hard to break a habit as they are deeply wired in our brains by constant repetition. The pleasure that a person gets from a bad habit, for example, drinking alcohol, taking drugs, watching porn, etc. excites the pleasure centers in the brain. Thus, it becomes difficult to get rid of it. But with the above-mentioned steps suggested by Handy, it can become relatively easier for you to break any habit.

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